They are available in up-to-date Office 365 for Windows or Mac or will be soon. Data © of The Monotype Corporation plc/Type Solutions Inc. Microsoft has released these new, custom fonts and asking users to say which one will become the new default font. Typeface © of The Monotype Corporation plc. Select the Font Info button (inscribed i) from the top bar or press Command + i so that the rightmost pane is displaying font information. Launch Font Book (open applications folder in Finder, find and launch 'Font book.app') Select All Fonts from the leftmost pane. It looks remarkably like the famous Cloister Black designed by Morris Fuller Benton in 1904. MS Office 2019 stores its fonts in the /Applications/Microsoft Word.app/Contents/Resources/DFonts folder, however, all other fonts on the Mac are stored in either /System/Library/Fonts (system or Apple fonts) or /Library/Fonts (other user-installed fonts). If Font Book application is already open, quit it. Little is known about the history of Old English Text, provided here by Monotype Typography, but it has been beautifully made. The former shows a formal approach with it’s calligraphy cursive style that is often used for certificates, and formal invites. The typeface comes in two variants, the Lucida Calligraphy and Lucida Handwriting. The Frakturs have an x that looks like an r with a mysterious disease, and the Blackletters have fiddly bits in the middle like those you see in this Old English Text. The Lucida font family is another familiar and widely accessible handwriting style font. There are two main kinds of what people tend to call Gothic letters: the German Frakturs and the English Blackletter. Microsoft is teaming up with OEMs, computer resellers, and component manufacturers to pre-install Microsoft® Windows® version 3.1 (Ready-to-Run) on a wide variety of personal computers, allowing both first-time users and large corporate installations to have Windows up and running quickly and easily.