Badass Baritone: He speaks with a surly, matured tone as a sign of his increased age and experience with an appropriately deeper voice. REINES LORD EL MELLOI HOW TO
Most mages feel this destroys the "Mystery" of magic and damages magic in general, but he can also instruct a mage in how to use their personal magic far more effectively. He then deduces what the magic can do and what it has already done. Awesomeness by Analysis: Lord El-Melloi II can "dissect" the symbolism of a magus's magic - what system it uses, what power sources it uses, what kind of power it uses.Attack Reflector: He wears his hair long so that he can cut off parts of it to redirect magical attacks towards the ground in a hurry.To bind him to her, she also adopts Waver into the family as her step-brother and grants him the title "Lord El-Melloi" until she comes of age. The heir to the El-Melloi faction, Reines, eventually makes him restore the Archibald family's Magic Crest, pay off their debts and become her personal tutor. The Atoner: He picks up the pieces that were left behind after Kayneth was killed and the El-Melloi faction was on the brink of ruin, as he acknowledges that he was partially responsible for the death of Kayneth and Sola.But after surviving the Holy Grail War and being named Lord El-Melloi II by Reines until she comes of age, he is easily the most moral and scrupulous of all of the Lords of the Clock Tower. He was not born into nobility and, in fact, comes from a very undistinguished background. This continues to get a nod in the Special Episode, where Waver's video game avatar of an elven warrior is a near-facsimile of Iskandar's own getup.Likewise, Kairi draws explicit parallels between him and Wills, who is noted to be in love with and captivated by a supernatural being bound to another realm note although Kairi is one to speak, considering he experienced a similar situation with his daughter in another timeline.
In the anime, Melvin wonders if he lost his virginity during Zero (i.e., thanks to Iskandar), which an embarrassed Waver angrily denies when Reines asks him if he's a virgin three years later, his response is an annoyed "who cares?".
When Flat offers him a strategy guide for a bishoujo game to cheer him up under the assumption it's the kind of thing men like him would enjoy, he's downright offended to the point of physical violence. Waver is entirely uninterested in women to a level that Gray comments on, and which Adashino links to his obsession with reuniting with Iskandar. Amateur Sleuth: Though a magic professor by profession, he spends quite a bit of time solving mysteries. He did happen to be an orphan, but a family like hers was really the last thing he needed.
Adult Adoptee: As a young adult, he was adopted by Reines as her elder brother. It also conveniently put the responsibility of paying off the family's rather terrifying debt onto him, which Waver isn't exactly happy about. Adopted into Royalty: Waver comes from a working-class background but was formally adopted into the El-Melloi II family by Reines, mostly so she could ruffle other lords' feathers by forcing them to treat a third-generation mage as a peer. Meanwhile, due in part to Depending on the Artist, his features in the Case Files novels and especially its various adaptations aren't quite so harsh, stress lines notwithstanding. Adaptational Attractiveness: Though it's not as if he's outright ugly, his portrayals in older character materials and other franchise entries * Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA, Fate/strange fake, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/stay night, Fate/Grand Order tend to depict him rather haggard-looking, making his status as a Chick Magnet more of an Informed Attribute. At the beginning of the battle, use a skill that gives Waver a Timer and a Special Defense up.The title character of the series, having grown in the ten years since his life-changing experience in the Fourth Holy Grail War as the current professor of Modern Magecraft and acting head of the El-Melloi house. He will only buff Alexander (Caution, Alexander's gauge is increasing really fast) and use his Noble Phantasm Please note that while Alexander is alive, Waver will never attack. You are forced for this quest to take down Alexander first, while Waver will keep buffing him. Needed in total: Show/Hide Shop Information Table